Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO

Shale Hills Streamflow/Discharge Data


Note: These data are raw depth data from the Shale Hills flume with derived discharge calculations. For the discharge conversion table/formula, see the flume manufacturer's table.

Units: BattV = Volts; AirTC = Deg C; RH = %; Depth = mm; Weir_Temp = Deg C; EC = μS/cm; Dischg_m3s = m^3/s; Dischg_cfs = cubic feet per second.


Available Data*:

22 Oct 2015 - Present (Data gaps due to weir maintenance)


Start Date:
End Date:

*If you select a date outside the available range, you will get data from/to the available limit(s). If you select an invalid date (e.g., 30 February), you will get no data. A date validation routine is currently under construction.